The Highland - without horns!
Poll Highland - Horned Highland - Miniature Highland
Without Horns
Highland without horns are easier to handle and appeal to the carcass producer
With Horns
Highlands with horns have the majestic look that date back many centuries
The Scottish Highland can either have horns or not have horns. Your Choice!If you use a homozygous poll bull or dam, their offspring will be poll, as they possess two poll genes. If you use a poll and a horned animal, then your offspring will either be horned or poll. You can breed a highland with any breed and you will have the first cross, it takes 4 crosses to breed a pure bred highland. You need to retain the poll animals. Or you can breed the horned highlands with a polled highland bull and you will have pure bred poll highlands. The progeny will be approximately half horned and half poll. Keep your poll animals and in no time at all you will have a full poll highland herd. Or keep your horned animals for breeding purposes as they can still be registered. Dehorn!
Annual Membership is $125Our membership fees are moderate along with our transfer fees and registration fees.
Financial Year (July to June)
Full Member (includes Tattoo allocation)
Commercial Member - Non Breeder
Full Junior Member (includes tattoo allocation)
(3 registrations per year limit)
Commercial Junior Member (non breeder)
Overseas Member with registration
Overseas Commercial Member - non breeder
Joining Fee
Annual Fee
1st year onlyTotal Fee
$225 AUS
$125 AUS
AGM is held around October each year
Come join us!
Please contact the Poll Highland Cattle Society Inc.